Thank you for your comment and for reading my blog! The issue of storing Puerh in colder and dryer countries such as Sweden is a big one. Of course you are right, Puerh needs humidity and heat to develop, but all of us Puerh lovers don’t have the luxury of living in Hong Kong. We have to ask ourselves; do we give up? or do we adapt?
Chan Kam Pong suggests that we buy vintage (or already aged) Puerhs, which of course is a good idea if you can afford it, but he also talks about the possibility of using a humifier, thus creating a suitable environment. And it is this suitable environment within an unsuitable climate, that I’m aiming for.
Of course there is no quarantine it will work, but I hope my passion and ingenuity will make it possible, I’ll probably have an answer in ten years or so. For now I’ll follow Aaron Fisher’s advise and seek out the wisdom of those who have experience in storing… but in colder climates of course. I wonder how an Oxford gentleman would do it?